Reverse Engineering of applications is a challenging yet rewarding process. Reverse Engineering helps us understand code that is without proper document. The concept behind reverse-engineering is breaking something down in order to understand it, re-engineer an application or to improve upon it.
Initially, it only applied to hardware but now Reverse Engineering is used in Software Development, and Database Design and Development as well.
Reverse-engineering is used for many purposes: as a learning tool, understanding and enhancing current systems, and also a way to make newer products that don’t lose out on any current functionality. It can be used for making software interoperate more effectively or to bridge data between different operating systems or databases, or to uncover the undocumented features of commercial products.
Applications are ripe for reverse-engineering, since few software developers publish their source code. Technically, an application programming interface (API) should make it easy for programs to work together, but experts say most APIs are so poorly written that third-party software makers have little choice but to reverse-engineer the programs with which they want their software to work, just to ensure compatibility.
Reverse-engineering can also expose security flaws and questionable privacy practices.
Reverse Engineering- Approach:
We can understand Reverse Engineering in 3-steps, which is also known as “The Clean-Room Approach To Reverse-Engineering”
When we start a Reverse Engineering project, we come to know many hidden challenges like security threads, data base usage, server engagement, hidden business values etc. which increases the application’s life, performance and user experience as well